September 6, 2018
Meeting called to order at 6:35pm.
Introductions of new attendees: Lee Rosner
Attendance: Don Manning, Barb Villa, Olivia Jaramillo, Janine Kennedy, Rob Cronin, Omar Durant, Nancy Lewis, Lee Rosner
Approval of previous meeting minutes: Motion made by Olivia, seconded, and approved by voice vote
Approval of Treasurer report: Motion to approve, approved by voice vote
Presentation by Lee Rosner. He is asking for a property variance to build a four foot to six foot high wall in the front of his residence at 342 Washington NE. Lee presented plans and drawings of the proposed wall. The HBANA board reviewed the plans and supports the building of the wall, as it appears it will be an asset to the neighborhood. The HBANA board requests that Lee contact all relevant neighbors for their assent.
Motion made by Rob to give board approval for the building of the wall. Motion carried by voice vote.
Discussion of request for new microwave antenna mount(s) at 533 Washington NE. There is currently a tower at that location. Rob will send the company an e-mail requesting more information regarding what is actually being proposed. He will report back to the board with any response.
City Councilor Pat Davis joined the board for a discussion on Zia Park upgrades. Olivia began the discussion with information about what has been proposed in the past. We are asking for picnic tables, benches, more nice trash receptacles and other improvements at the park. Pat told us he has talked with Karen Alarid, APS Facilities Director, regarding the proposed fence at Zia Elementary and any further improvements that could benefit both the school and the neighborhood.
-One issue is a fence at Zia Elementary that will block off the current playground. Pat is working to add a playground on the public side of the park.
-An addition to the park might be needle receptacles. Some parks already have them and the neighborhood likes them. Keeps at least some needles from being left on the ground.
-Pat asked for HBANA members to help in future discussions with the City and APS. Olivia and Janine volunteered to help. Pat will contact them regarding a time soon to have further discussion. A tentative meeting is scheduled for September 21, 9am at Zia Elementary.
-Olivia asked about the property at Roma and Adams where the military vehicles are parked. Pat said the property owner has received a letter requesting changes to be made for the vehicles to be parked in a different manner.
-Pat asked about the HBANA signs to be placed on Central Avenue with our logo and information. Pat said he had some funds to be used for the signs and Barb will follow up with a city graphics art person to design the signs.
Annual meeting prep:
Omar – sign in sheets, officer ballots, receipt book, post on, response sheet for attendees to give ideas on Zia Park improvements
Olivia – annual meeting signs, HBANA news flyer for distribution, food (Pat Davis said he would pay for our snacks)
Nomination of officers for 2018-19
President: TBA
Vice-President: TBA
Secretary: Clark Brown
Treasurer: Omar Durant
Discussion of by-laws amendments: Proposed changes were discussed. A motion was made by Rob to amend HBANA by-laws as presented, seconded by Olivia, amendments unanimously passed by hand count vote of members present.
-Amended by-laws will be posted on the HBANA website and available for printing.
Rob asked for input regarding items to be mentioned at the annual meeting as things accomplished by HBANA during the past year. The 7/11 liquor license, park improvements, etc.
Round table sharing:
-Omar updated HBANA non-profit reinstatement information; IRS 501(c)4 reinstatement application was returned but has not been resubmitted
-Olivia mentioned issues with a possible new drug treatment center in our neighborhood
-Janine mentioned a request from Manzano del Sol to tear down a house across the street to provide more parking and asked if that is something we want to discuss in the future at a meeting
Motion made to adjourn; approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm
Meeting called to order at 6:35pm.
Introductions of new attendees: Lee Rosner
Attendance: Don Manning, Barb Villa, Olivia Jaramillo, Janine Kennedy, Rob Cronin, Omar Durant, Nancy Lewis, Lee Rosner
Approval of previous meeting minutes: Motion made by Olivia, seconded, and approved by voice vote
Approval of Treasurer report: Motion to approve, approved by voice vote
Presentation by Lee Rosner. He is asking for a property variance to build a four foot to six foot high wall in the front of his residence at 342 Washington NE. Lee presented plans and drawings of the proposed wall. The HBANA board reviewed the plans and supports the building of the wall, as it appears it will be an asset to the neighborhood. The HBANA board requests that Lee contact all relevant neighbors for their assent.
Motion made by Rob to give board approval for the building of the wall. Motion carried by voice vote.
Discussion of request for new microwave antenna mount(s) at 533 Washington NE. There is currently a tower at that location. Rob will send the company an e-mail requesting more information regarding what is actually being proposed. He will report back to the board with any response.
City Councilor Pat Davis joined the board for a discussion on Zia Park upgrades. Olivia began the discussion with information about what has been proposed in the past. We are asking for picnic tables, benches, more nice trash receptacles and other improvements at the park. Pat told us he has talked with Karen Alarid, APS Facilities Director, regarding the proposed fence at Zia Elementary and any further improvements that could benefit both the school and the neighborhood.
-One issue is a fence at Zia Elementary that will block off the current playground. Pat is working to add a playground on the public side of the park.
-An addition to the park might be needle receptacles. Some parks already have them and the neighborhood likes them. Keeps at least some needles from being left on the ground.
-Pat asked for HBANA members to help in future discussions with the City and APS. Olivia and Janine volunteered to help. Pat will contact them regarding a time soon to have further discussion. A tentative meeting is scheduled for September 21, 9am at Zia Elementary.
-Olivia asked about the property at Roma and Adams where the military vehicles are parked. Pat said the property owner has received a letter requesting changes to be made for the vehicles to be parked in a different manner.
-Pat asked about the HBANA signs to be placed on Central Avenue with our logo and information. Pat said he had some funds to be used for the signs and Barb will follow up with a city graphics art person to design the signs.
Annual meeting prep:
Omar – sign in sheets, officer ballots, receipt book, post on, response sheet for attendees to give ideas on Zia Park improvements
Olivia – annual meeting signs, HBANA news flyer for distribution, food (Pat Davis said he would pay for our snacks)
Nomination of officers for 2018-19
President: TBA
Vice-President: TBA
Secretary: Clark Brown
Treasurer: Omar Durant
Discussion of by-laws amendments: Proposed changes were discussed. A motion was made by Rob to amend HBANA by-laws as presented, seconded by Olivia, amendments unanimously passed by hand count vote of members present.
-Amended by-laws will be posted on the HBANA website and available for printing.
Rob asked for input regarding items to be mentioned at the annual meeting as things accomplished by HBANA during the past year. The 7/11 liquor license, park improvements, etc.
Round table sharing:
-Omar updated HBANA non-profit reinstatement information; IRS 501(c)4 reinstatement application was returned but has not been resubmitted
-Olivia mentioned issues with a possible new drug treatment center in our neighborhood
-Janine mentioned a request from Manzano del Sol to tear down a house across the street to provide more parking and asked if that is something we want to discuss in the future at a meeting
Motion made to adjourn; approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm