HBANA Meeting Minutes – April 12, 2018
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm.
b. Art III, Section 3. Definition: members in good standings.
It was agreed upon that one of the suggestions Omar obtained from other Neighborhood Associations’ bylaws would be added to the current HBANA bylaws to resolve this issue.
c. Art IV, Section 1. Definition: Member(s) at Large and Quorum.
This issue was tabled until the June monthly meeting.
d. IRS Filing Reminder – Clark and Omar will create an amendment to the bylaws to cover this issue. See Paragraph 4 above.
8) Round table –
a. Parking of military vehicles on residents’ lawn, specifically at the intersection of Roma and Adams. Olivia will contact Sean Foran, Policy Analyst under Councilman Pat Davis who has assisted HBANA in the past regarding zoning/code violations.
b. Elizabeth brought up a news story about a Civil Rights lawsuit involving Martineztown and the city regarding the restructuring of zoning laws. She thought it would be nice to donate some funds to their cause. This issue will be tabled until the June monthly meeting.
c. Follow-up from last meeting. Clark and Olivia attendance at the APD substation open house, on Saturday March 17, 2018, found it to have been cancelled.
d. National Night Out scheduled for August 7th was discussed with the possibility of HBANA moving the date to later in August. Tabled until June meeting.
9) Meeting closed at 8:20 pm. Next monthly meeting, scheduled for May 10, 2018, will involve an onsite meeting with Mr. Varoz near Copper and Truman.
Respectfully submitted, Clark M. Brown
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm.
- Introductions – Present: Rob Cronin, Omar Durant, Clark Brown, Olivia Jaramillo, Don Manning, Elizabeth Vencill, Barb Villa, and Nancy Lewis
- Approval of Meeting minutes-Motion to approve by Olivia, seconded by Rob.
- Approval of Treasurer report –Update from previous meeting, $130 check was issued to the District 6 Coalition, $105 for reimbursement, and $25 for annual dues. Rob will mail it out. Motion to approve by Olivia, Seconded by Omar.
- IRS Revocation Notice Update: In late March, Clark and Omar met to work on the required paperwork to be filed with the IRS. By the end of April, the paperwork will be filed along with the application fee of $600. Additionally, Omar submitted the on-line 990N for fiscal year 2017. As agreed upon during the meeting, Omar will be authorized to be the direct HBANA representative for all correspondences with the IRS from now on. Also discussed and agreed upon by those in attendance, to prevent future lapses in filing the required IRS forms, there will be an amendment added to the bylaws directing the yearly March meeting agenda to include a review of the previous years financial status and to remind the treasurer to file the required Federal/State tax documents by the end of the month. Additionally the bylaw will require that the April monthly meeting will include an update on the status of such filing.
- Copper Avenue Striping/Parking Issue: Elizabeth contacted Councilman Pat Davis, Deputy director of the city of Albuquerque's Municipal Development Department, Keith Reed and City of Albuquerque Project Manager, Andrew Varoz regarding this issue. Mr. Varos responded and met with Elizabeth on Copper to review the geographical area in question. It was determined that Copper is now part of the City’s official bike route which safely allows a traffic controlled intersection (Copper/San Mateo Blvd.) for bikers to cross San Mateo. As some of those in attendance had additional questions/concerns, Elizabeth will attempt to arrange another meeting on Copper with Mr. Varoz to discuss those matters. This will possibly occur during the May monthly meeting, 5/10/18.
- Sign Project – Barb designed a neighborhood sign and presented it to County Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins who agreed that multiple neighborhood signs would be more effective than one large sign on Central Avenue near Washington Street. Commissioner Stebbins advised that such signs could be paid for by county funds. Ms. Stebbins requested an agreed upon design before the final construction would be considered. Elizabeth will contact the owner of Richard Kilmer of K2 Design, and Omar will contact Media Arts for potential sign designs.
- Bylaws Changes Update – Four topics related to the bylaws were discussed.
b. Art III, Section 3. Definition: members in good standings.
It was agreed upon that one of the suggestions Omar obtained from other Neighborhood Associations’ bylaws would be added to the current HBANA bylaws to resolve this issue.
c. Art IV, Section 1. Definition: Member(s) at Large and Quorum.
This issue was tabled until the June monthly meeting.
d. IRS Filing Reminder – Clark and Omar will create an amendment to the bylaws to cover this issue. See Paragraph 4 above.
8) Round table –
a. Parking of military vehicles on residents’ lawn, specifically at the intersection of Roma and Adams. Olivia will contact Sean Foran, Policy Analyst under Councilman Pat Davis who has assisted HBANA in the past regarding zoning/code violations.
b. Elizabeth brought up a news story about a Civil Rights lawsuit involving Martineztown and the city regarding the restructuring of zoning laws. She thought it would be nice to donate some funds to their cause. This issue will be tabled until the June monthly meeting.
c. Follow-up from last meeting. Clark and Olivia attendance at the APD substation open house, on Saturday March 17, 2018, found it to have been cancelled.
d. National Night Out scheduled for August 7th was discussed with the possibility of HBANA moving the date to later in August. Tabled until June meeting.
9) Meeting closed at 8:20 pm. Next monthly meeting, scheduled for May 10, 2018, will involve an onsite meeting with Mr. Varoz near Copper and Truman.
Respectfully submitted, Clark M. Brown