HBANA Meeting Minutes July 12, 2018 Meeting called to order at 6;30PM
Present: Clark Brown, Rob Cronin, Omar Durant, Barb Villa, Olivia Jaramillo, Elizabeth Vencill, Janine Kennedy, Kip Malone and Don Manning
1. Introductions and welcome of new attendees.
2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes. Motion by Clark – 2nd Olivia, approved
3. Approval of Treasurer Report. Motion by Rob – 2nd Olivia. Approved.
4. IRS Notice: Clark and Omar will meet on 7/14 to finalize and mail out paperwork to IRS. (Follow-up at next meeting)
5. National Night Out: Preparation, assignments, advertising etc. Olivia presented the results of the NNO Planning Meeting and finalized the assignments. Also presented were the signs she created. Date of NNO: August 8, 2018.
6. HBANA Annual Meeting: Potential schedule - Sunday September 23, 2018. Janine suggested that HBANA information be available and handed out at the NNO in order to stimulate interest in the organization and attendance at the annual meeting. (Follow-up at next meeting)
7. HBANA Record Keeping: Nancy Lewis passed all HBANA records to Omar and he currently possess the HBANA records. It was suggested and agreed that Omar and Clark will scan, digitalize and save the paper records to thumb drives for each member of the board.
8. Copper Avenue Striping Issues: After the May-2018 walking tour of Copper from Monroe to San Mateo, Don Manning attended the Greater Bicycle Committee meeting. He reported that the meeting was not well organized and that it failed to provide a viable reason for adding Copper from Monroe to San Mateo to the “Bicycle Boulevard”, considering the increased motor vehicle traffic caused by the ART project on Central.
9. “Project for Copper”: Elizabeth and Don were interested in working with Nob Hill on adding lights and introducing a beautification plan for Copper Avenue. Elizabeth and Don will look into setting up a committee to discuss this issue.
10. HBANA Neighborhood Sign Project: Barb had no new updates regarding this project.
11. HBANA Bylaws Editing: With the limited time remaining in the meeting, a short discussion occurred regarding certain ambiguous bylaws. Certain changes were agreed upon with other sections still open for editing. It was agreed upon that our next business meeting (9/6/18) would be dedicated to editing and finalizing the bylaws for inclusion at our annual meeting 9/23/18. (Follow-up at next meeting)
12. HBANA IRS/Bylaws: Clark briefly reviewed the current IRS revocation of the HBANA tax-exempt status and requested that in order to show the IRS that attempts were being made to prevent the non-submission of the yearly Form 990, he made a motion to create a specific bylaw directing the board to ensure this form was submitted on time annually. This bylaw would require that, during the yearly March meeting, the board would review and ensure submission of form 990N. 2nd by Rob, approved. (Follow-up at next meeting)
13. Meeting adjourned at 830pm; Next event: August 8, 2018-National Night Out at Zia Park. Next business meeting: September 6, 2018