HBANA Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2018 Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm.
1. Introductions–Present: Rob Cronin, Omar Durant, Clark Brown, Olivia Jaramillo, Janine Kennedy, Barb Villa, and Elizabeth Vencill
2. Approval of Meeting minutes-Motion to approve by Clark, seconded by Barb.
3. Approval of Treasurer report – Motion to approve by Rob, Seconded by Clark. District 6 Coalition will be reimbursed $105. Omar will issue the check this week.
4. IRS Revocation Notice Update – As Omar finally received 2014 financial information from the bank; Clark and Omar will work on completing and submitting the required IRS forms and Reasonable Cause Statement by the April meeting. UPDATE NEXT MEETING
5. Zia Park update – a. As the Zia Elementary School Principal was out of town, the planned meeting in February was cancelled. Olivia received email notification from district architect, Faye Rogers, who advised that, although future plans for the Zia Elementary School include a new building and security fence (separating Zia Park and the playground area), there is currently no plan or date for such construction. The email also mentioned that neighborhood associations affected by the construction would be included in the planning process. Olivia will re-contact Ms. Rogers to emphasize HBANAs desire to be notified. b. The fact that the Zia Park was unlocked during the nighttime hours, despite school officials claims that the park was secure, was discussed c. Also discussed was the potential of requesting a Capital Outlay from 16th District NM State Senator Cisco McSorley for upgrades to Zia Park. UPDATE NEXT MEETING
6. Sign Project – Barb contacted Meyers about the advantages of smaller signs installed throughout the HBANA area. UPDATE NEXT MEETING
7. Bylaws Changes Update – This discussion began with a look at the potential problems that need to be addressed. a. In regards to the decision making process, if there is a problem, who exactly is allowed to make decisions. b. In regards to discussing/conducting business by email, can decisions be made using this technology; behind the scenes? c. And in regards to financial decisions, exactly who can make these decisions, only board members or members that just happen to attend meetings? Or should there be a process of closed decision-making (board members, member at charge, not through email). There was no desire by those in attendance to move HBANA to an exclusive association.
Omar produced copies of the current bylaws, highlighting the specific articles that are related to the three problems. a. Article III-Membership-Section #3, relating to who is eligible to vote on issues that arise, b. Article IV-Officers and Board of Directors-Section #1, defining who are officers of the Association, who would be on the quorum, and the last paragraph relating to the definition of membership, c. Article V-Definitions of Member at Large, and d. Article VI-Meetings-Section #3, definition of voting majority.
Omar also produced examples of bylaws from other neighborhood associations for review and possible ideas of how to deal with the wording for the needed changes.
Finally discussed was the requirement to maintain 4 officers, and that any changes in the Bylaws required immediate notification to ONC.
Those present at the meeting were asked to review the notes Omar provided and this issue would be discussed at the April meeting. UPDATE NEXT MEETING
8. Special Guest–retired NM State Legislator Rick Miera–Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor-visited and discussed his election aspirations. a. He described the Governor/Lt. Governor selection process in New Mexico, chronicled his time in politics, described his accomplishments as Legislator, (Chairman of the Education Committee, responsible for the NM education budget, served 4 governors, Chaired the Labor Committee, and retired as the Majority Floor Leader). He related his feeling of the importance of neighborhood associations and how he created two associations in the inner city of Albuquerque. He concluded his resume with the fact that he recently retired from the UNM Department of Psychiatry.
When asked what three changes he would want in New Mexico, Legislator Miera related that, The State needs to get out of dependency on gas and oil and direct their efforts to Solar and Wind generations. He offered that the royalties that the petroleum industry produces could be obtained just as easily from renewable energies. The ART project could and should have been better thought out and planned prior to constructions. NM was spending too much money on wrong issues and should do more to enhance the mental health concerns, specifically concentrating on treatment, of its citizens.
9. Round table – 1. APD substation open house, Saturday March 17, 2018. Clark and Olivia will make an effort to attend. UPDATE NEXT MEETING by Clark/Olivia 2. Brew/Pub on Adams Street. Parking is a small problem near and round the immediate location. It will be interesting to see what happens during the summer. 3. The bike path is now on Copper, which is a problem. The centerline is non-existent and the pseudo parking spaces create visual impairment at the intersections. UPDATE NEXT MEETING about having the lines painted.
10. Meeting came to close 8:07 pm, next meeting scheduled for April 12, 2018