HBANA Meeting Minutes – February 8, 2018 Meeting called to order at 6:35pm Present: Rob Cronin, Clark Brown, Omar Durant, Olivia Jaramillo, Nancy Lewis, Don Manning, Jeanine Kennedy, and Dreiden Craig
1. Introductions
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes: Motion to approve by Rob, seconded by Clark, Approved
3. Approval of Treasurer Report: Motion to approve by Rob, seconded by Clark, Approved
4. Update on IRS Exemption Status Revocation Notice: Clark presented the three options for discussion and it was decided that HBANA would remain incorporated and that the process of reapplying for exemption would commence. Omar and Clark would work together to complete the necessary IRS paperwork. Update next meeting.
5. Zia Park Gates/Fence/Improvements: Olivia reviewed the Zia Elementary Schools’ desire to construct a fence between the south side of their building and the Zia park in an attempt to increase security of their property and eliminate the effects of drug abusers and their dirty syringes. The negative results would be the closure of playground to neighborhood children. Other concerns related to funding of the fence, (City of Albuquerque Public Schools versus Zia Park). It was decided that a letter of concern would be created by Olivia and Pat Pabisch and sent to Pat Davis regarding our concerns. Including our requests of Zia Park improvements if the fence is constructed, a new playground located within the Zia Park for area children and more benches. It was also suggested that a meeting (tentatively 02/15/18) with the Zia Grade School principle be scheduled. Olivia, Clark, Jeanine, and Barb would attend. Update next meeting.
6. HBANA Sign Project Update. Barbara met with Sean to discuss the issues and questions about its location and the possibly a new type of construction were examined. The location of the new ART bus stop at the intersection of Central and Washington may conflict with the proposed Highland sign. An alternative to having only one “Highland Neighborhood” sign located on Central between Washington and San Mateo was having smaller metal signs affixed to poles (similar to the size of stop signs) throughout the neighborhood. It would be more economical and visible from more locations. Barbara will contact Meyers Godwin and Maggie Stebbins who offered to provide funds for the project for their thoughts. Update next meeting.
7. 7-11 Alcohol Request: A low probability exists that, for the next 5 years, 7-11 will not appeal their denial to sell alcohol. Since District 6 provided HBANA $200 in support of the legal procedures in fighting the alcohol permit, only $105 was used for filing fees. Rob made a motion, seconded by Omar, to return the unused $95 to District 6. Victor was acknowledged for the hard work he did during this process.
8. District 6 Coalition Meeting Update: Rob discussed his observations during the meeting, held at UNM. a. Gina Dennis was announced as the new president. b. The meetings will moved around to different neighborhoods throughout the year. c. APD Sgt Legendre (Police and Community Team) attended to discuss the initiative by the Highland Unified Business Group and their cleanup of the neighborhood. d. UNM architecture professors discussed the designs for highly energy-efficient homes. e. APD discussed working with BCSO and their implementation of an auto-theft task force approach that over a week’s time resulted in a number of arrests. f. Pat Davis discussed the SMART LED lighting initiative that may decrease neighborhood crime. Unfortunately in the HBANA area, PNM owns a number of lights that are not associated with the SMART LED program. g. The topic of having security cameras installed around the neighborhood or at Zia School was discussed. This issue has been tried before with little or no positive effects.
9. Zoning Requests: a. The TFK Smoke House (Formerly Casey’s on Washington near Zuni) is now serving alcohol. This item was seen as a non-issue as the previous establishment had an alcohol permit. Barb attended hearing to show we aren’t against all such permits in our neighborhood. b. Carport construction at 332 Sierra. This residence is not within but closely borders the HBANA neighborhood. This item was seen as a non-issue as it doesn’t infringe on the Highland neighborhood. No vote was taken on either zoning request.
10. Bylaws Update: Omar brought up topics related to the HBANA bylaws that needed to be possibly updated. a. The topics of “member at large” and what exactly constitutes a voting member (all dues-paying members) were discussed. b. The topic of, who is covered by dues in the household, and how they are collected was discussed. c. The current bylaws do not address new technology relating to the conducting of HBANA business and communicating with our members. The use of email for decision-making and nextdoor.com as a method of disseminating information was discussed. d. Further discussion next meeting.
11. Round table: a. The new microbrew tavern on Adams behind the 7-11 is open. Parking seems adequate, so far. It may change when the weather changes. b. Apparently Denver, CO is interested in the ART project. c. The eyesore of numerous military vehicles parked on the property at Roma and Adams was discussed.
12. Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm; next meeting March 8, 2018