HBANA Meeting Minutes October 11, 2018 at Manzano Del Sol Meeting called to order 6:30 pm
Present: Clark Brown, Rob Cronin, Omar Durant, Barb Villa, Olivia Jaramillo, Elizabeth Vencilli, Janine Kennedy, Don Manning, and Marianna
1. Introductions and welcome to new attendees.
2. Previous Meeting Minutes (Annual Meeting) were still being prepared. Clark will have them completed and sent out. Follow-up next meeting.
3. Approval of Treasurer Report. Motion by Omar, Seconded by Rob
4. Election of Officers. At the conclusion of the Annual Meeting, the board members included: newly elected Barbara Villa-Vice President, Clark Brown-Secretary, Omar Durant-Treasurer, and Rob Cronin stepping down as president. After an in-depth discussion regarding the absence of a president, Rob made a motion, seconded by Clark that Barbara would become President, Clark-Vice President, Rob-Secretary and Omar-treasurer. In addition the following HBANA organizational duties will be assigned to: a. Tracking monthly meeting agenda items – Clark b. Forward Neighborhood Association emails to members – Omar and Clark c. Receive/forward emails on zoning requests to members - Omar and Clark d. Contact local officials (APD, City Council, County Commissioner) about Neighborhood Association issues – Barbara e. Represent HBANA at the District 6 Coalition of Neighborhood Associations – Barbara f. Lead monthly HBANA board meetings – Based upon availability.
5. Neighborhood Changes: The owner of the commercial mini-mall at 505 San Mateo Blvd is requesting to construct a sign in front of his building next to the roadway. A design/blueprint/sketch was reviewed with suggested dimensions of the structure. There was much concern related to for the visibility of motorists entering San Mateo from Grand Avenue. Barbara will invite the owner to the November HBANA meeting to discuss his request. Follow-up next meeting.
6. HBANA Bylaws. As they were reviewed in our September Meeting, Omar will submit them to the City of Albuquerque within 60 days. Follow-up next meeting.
7. Gubernatorial Candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham or a representative from her Campaign was scheduled to attend but failed to appear.
8. Zia Park Upgrades: Olivia and Janine reported on a meeting they attended with councilman Pat Davis, the Zia Elementary School Principal, and a representative from the City of Albuquerque parks and Recreation department. At the onset it was determined that the park is actually Albuquerque Public School Property. And although concerns about access to the playground by neighborhood families was voiced, it was determined that due to the Federal Climate to protect children from “active shooters”, a state mandate would require that an 8’ fence be constructed around the entire campus, thus resulting in the entire playground being permanently closed off from the public. Those in attendance discussed a number of ideas: a. It is unknown what the next Governor will require as far as school safety requirements. It is hoped that construction will be placed on hold until the new Governor’s vision on this issue can be determined. b. Should the construction be undertaken as described, a committee led by HBANA could take shape with its purpose to have appropriate age-level apparatus built elsewhere in the Zia Park. Some names for the committee included: “Friends of Zia” or “Zia Park Volunteers”. Fundraisers could occur inviting neighborhood families to involved in the construction of the equipment.
9. HBANA Newsletter: During the Annual meeting a local resident (Liz Collins 440-0618 - 301 Truman) was interested in maintaining the newsletter. Olivia and Janine will contact this individual. Follow-up next meeting.
10. With much disgust, Olivia reported that an unknown male stole the poop-fairy signs from the Zia Park fencing. Olivia contacted parks and recreations department and received replacement signs. Clark will help her install the new signs in a manner that may discourage future thefts. Follow-up next meeting.
11. Roundtable: a. Clean-up-Albuquerque–17 residents attended to clean up the neighborhoods around Walgreens and Zia Park. b. HBANA road signs are still being considered. Janine will continue looking into that issue. Follow-up next meeting. c. Construction on Copper (replacement of existing water lines) is frustrating to those who live/work in that area. Follow-up next meeting. d. Elizabeth discussed the renovation of a building on the corner of Quincy and Copper and her inability to receive credible permitting Information from the City of Albuquerque regarding this construction. Follow-up next meeting. e. Elizabeth discussed and handed out flyers fir the next cleanup endeavor by HUB-66 to occur on October 27th. Follow-up next meeting.
12. Meeting adjourned at 805 pm, Next business meeting: November 8, 2018