Minutes - March 14, 2019
Highland Business and Neighborhood Association monthly meeting 03/14/19
Location: Manzano del Sol Retirement Community – 6:30pm
1. Introductions and Roll Call –Laural Williams; David, Samantha and Eleanor Keleher, Barb Villa, Omar Durant, Clark Brown, Elizabeth Vencill, and Rob Cronin.
2. Approval of February Minutes and Treasury Report – Motion to approve made by Clark, seconded by Omar, Voted as passed.
3. Old Business –
A. Moving monthly meetings elsewhere in the neighborhood. A brief discussion ensued and it was decided that until attendance increases, all monthly meetings will remain at the Manzano del Sol Retirement Community.
B. James’ fencing issue. Barb was unable to contact Gary Eyster regarding the final inspection of the fence. Tabled until next meeting.
C. Craft Distillery on 5001 Central Avenue. Barb attended the 2/22/19 hearing and the owner, Nick received approval from IDO. This issue had already been approved by HBANA.
D. HBANA search for active secretary. Search continues.
E. Defining/clarifying what the approval of a neighborhood association for projects such as, fencing/distillery/etc, really means and how much weight it carries in C/ABQ planning hearings. Omar did contact the Office of neighborhood associations but was unable to contact Delana. Tabled until next meeting.
4. New Business
A. David Keleher, resident owner of 231 Adams St. NE ABQ, attended the meeting accompanied by his wife and daughter. He presented his plans for a home improvement project, seeking HBANA approval. He discussed the different zoning variances that he was encountering and as this project is in the infancy stages, he will continue planning the structure and meeting with the building department for further clarification. He will attend next months meeting with an update of his design/findings. No action taken at this meeting.
B. IRS-e-postcard and NM State license update. Omar successfully completed the yearly IRS and NMS update of HBANA’s corporation tax exempt and neighborhood association statuses.
C. HBANA received a letter of request for approval of a restaurant liquor license at ABQ Pit Stop LLC, 5110 Copper Avenue, ABQ. Robert Romero, agent of the owner will be invited to the April monthly meeting to present his designs. No action taken at this meeting.
D. Fencing of Zia School yard. Clark noticed markings around the Zia Grade School playground indicating early stages of developing the security fence around the school. Discussion ensued regarding the time frame of construction, its impact on the HBANA neighborhood, and the decision to advocate for another park in the neighborhood or to have equipment erected in remaining park. No action taken at this meeting.
5. Community Session
Elizabeth noticed that ABQ Sun Vans transportation busses are bringing people to the drug treatment facility near her office on Central. She also reported that the art studio near her office was burglarized, and the Verizon building on Copper recently had some property stolen (expensive generator).
6. Meeting adjourned 7:40pm
Location: Manzano del Sol Retirement Community – 6:30pm
1. Introductions and Roll Call –Laural Williams; David, Samantha and Eleanor Keleher, Barb Villa, Omar Durant, Clark Brown, Elizabeth Vencill, and Rob Cronin.
2. Approval of February Minutes and Treasury Report – Motion to approve made by Clark, seconded by Omar, Voted as passed.
3. Old Business –
A. Moving monthly meetings elsewhere in the neighborhood. A brief discussion ensued and it was decided that until attendance increases, all monthly meetings will remain at the Manzano del Sol Retirement Community.
B. James’ fencing issue. Barb was unable to contact Gary Eyster regarding the final inspection of the fence. Tabled until next meeting.
C. Craft Distillery on 5001 Central Avenue. Barb attended the 2/22/19 hearing and the owner, Nick received approval from IDO. This issue had already been approved by HBANA.
D. HBANA search for active secretary. Search continues.
E. Defining/clarifying what the approval of a neighborhood association for projects such as, fencing/distillery/etc, really means and how much weight it carries in C/ABQ planning hearings. Omar did contact the Office of neighborhood associations but was unable to contact Delana. Tabled until next meeting.
4. New Business
A. David Keleher, resident owner of 231 Adams St. NE ABQ, attended the meeting accompanied by his wife and daughter. He presented his plans for a home improvement project, seeking HBANA approval. He discussed the different zoning variances that he was encountering and as this project is in the infancy stages, he will continue planning the structure and meeting with the building department for further clarification. He will attend next months meeting with an update of his design/findings. No action taken at this meeting.
B. IRS-e-postcard and NM State license update. Omar successfully completed the yearly IRS and NMS update of HBANA’s corporation tax exempt and neighborhood association statuses.
C. HBANA received a letter of request for approval of a restaurant liquor license at ABQ Pit Stop LLC, 5110 Copper Avenue, ABQ. Robert Romero, agent of the owner will be invited to the April monthly meeting to present his designs. No action taken at this meeting.
D. Fencing of Zia School yard. Clark noticed markings around the Zia Grade School playground indicating early stages of developing the security fence around the school. Discussion ensued regarding the time frame of construction, its impact on the HBANA neighborhood, and the decision to advocate for another park in the neighborhood or to have equipment erected in remaining park. No action taken at this meeting.
5. Community Session
Elizabeth noticed that ABQ Sun Vans transportation busses are bringing people to the drug treatment facility near her office on Central. She also reported that the art studio near her office was burglarized, and the Verizon building on Copper recently had some property stolen (expensive generator).
6. Meeting adjourned 7:40pm