What is a neighborhood association?
The Highland Business and Neighborhood Association (HBANA) is bordered by San Mateo Blvd, Zuni Rd, Washington St and Lomas Blvd. HBANA includes everyone living and working within those borders - your neighbors, area businesses and non-profits who've come together to advocate for our great little neighborhood.
What Does HBANA Do? We do our best to build relationships, exchange information, discuss concerns, prioritize needs in the area. We identify solutions, and work toward a common goal for the good of our community. HBANA strives to positively impact the life of everyone within the boundaries of our neighborhood.
Why Should I Join? Joining our association not only amplifies your voice, it helps create a community with a shared vision and goal. By coming together, we show the neighborhood is united and ready to make an impact on our community and our city.
What Is The Office of Neighborhood Coordination? The Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC) helps create and promote healthy and vibrant neighborhoods. It supports voluntary associations like ours. It helps residents like us more actively and constructively engage with our community. They assist neighborhoods in utilizing existing resources and maintaining meaningful involvement with other local communities and government.
What Does HBANA Do? We do our best to build relationships, exchange information, discuss concerns, prioritize needs in the area. We identify solutions, and work toward a common goal for the good of our community. HBANA strives to positively impact the life of everyone within the boundaries of our neighborhood.
Why Should I Join? Joining our association not only amplifies your voice, it helps create a community with a shared vision and goal. By coming together, we show the neighborhood is united and ready to make an impact on our community and our city.
What Is The Office of Neighborhood Coordination? The Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC) helps create and promote healthy and vibrant neighborhoods. It supports voluntary associations like ours. It helps residents like us more actively and constructively engage with our community. They assist neighborhoods in utilizing existing resources and maintaining meaningful involvement with other local communities and government.